This just in...The Saudade sold!!!
Sep 4, 2024
1 min read

My new novel, called The Saudade, will be coming to a book store near you soon. This novel has just been accepted for publication by NeWest Press. The novel follows the story of a man named Bruce Flynn, who has an unruly and terrifying fear of death. His wife, Pilar, who wants to help, decides that by telling him complicated and convoluted stories, perhaps they can become so lost inside the digressions that even Death will be unable to find them. In a café in Macon, France, on a vacation, Bruce's wife tells him one of her labyrinthine stories and at the end of her story, he looks across the table at his wife, but she's gone. Disappeared. Vanished. In their hotel room he finds her bags are no longer there – her clothing, her toiletries, everything is gone. He decides that, knowing his wife, she has initiated a game, she's left clues and it will be his job to follow those clues, and find his wife. He will follow the clues inside the story she was telling at the café. This is the journey he begins the next morning – a journey that takes him across the planet.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Another epic publication. You rock Thomas Trofimuk!